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Drone Services
Drone Services
Aerial photography, inspection, and more
Fixed-Wing Aircraft Services
Fixed-Wing Aircraft Services
Chartered flights and cargo services
Helicopter Services
Helicopter Services
Scenic tours and private charters
Flight Training & Education
Flight Training & Education
Pilot training and certifications
Maintenance & Engineering
Maintenance & Engineering
Aircraft maintenance and repairs
Specialty Aviation Services
Specialty Aviation Services
Aerial banner towing, wildlife control, firefighting, and skydiving operations.

Trending Services

Charter Flights

Charter flights offer tailored air travel with flexible schedules and destinations.

Helicopter Tours

Experience breathtaking landscapes and cityscapes from above with helicopter tours.

Aerial Photography

Capture stunning high-resolution aerial images and videos for various professional uses.

Skydiving Flights

Skydiving flights provide thrilling jumps from optimal altitudes for both novices and experienced skydivers.

The best part?

Control Your Price
Empower your mission planning by setting your own prices, ensuring you find the most competitive rates. Tailor your budget by comparing offers and adjusting to meet your specific needs and goals.
Get Quality Work Done
Lean on our network of skilled freelancers, equipped to deliver top-notch results for any task you set forth. Assurance of quality in every task.
Sky High Earnings
Boost your income by leveraging the HOVER platform to offer your drone flying services. A sky-high potential for earnings awaits.

Our Why


At HOVER, innovation isn't just a buzzword; it's our driving force. We're committed to leading the way into the future, offering cutting-edge solutions that propel our clients and the industry forward.


Understanding the evolving marketplace and the quest for meaningful, flexible work has led us to pioneer opportunities that empower everyone to earn from anywhere, harnessing the power of technology to create new pathways to success.

It's Cool

Drones represent the pinnacle of modern innovation—combining the thrill of cutting-edge technology with practical applications that extend across various industries, they symbolize a leap towards the future of automated solutions and creative possibilities.

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We're here to help

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Earn From

The Clouds

Dive into the skies and turn your passion into profit. With HOVER, it's not just flying—it's an adventure that pays.